In Tamil Nadu alone, there are about 250 engineering colleges. The state has a population of about 65 million. The number of science and arts colleges and polytechnics will be even higher. Around the mid 1980s there were about 10-15 engineering institutions. But why this sudden explosion? It appears that there was a market for education - an engineer or a doctor was a status symbol and many Indian cricketers were engineers. After the government relaxed the norms for private engineering colleges, there was a boom and entrepreneurs just lapped it up. But hear some horror stories in the admission and other procedures(!).
Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Engineering Colleges everywhere
In Tamil Nadu alone, there are about 250 engineering colleges. The state has a population of about 65 million. The number of science and arts colleges and polytechnics will be even higher. Around the mid 1980s there were about 10-15 engineering institutions. But why this sudden explosion? It appears that there was a market for education - an engineer or a doctor was a status symbol and many Indian cricketers were engineers. After the government relaxed the norms for private engineering colleges, there was a boom and entrepreneurs just lapped it up. But hear some horror stories in the admission and other procedures(!).
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Newton is to blame
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Thavil Teacher
Radhesh learns to play Thavil at the Government Music School. Radhesh recorded the music played by his teacher. I found his teacher to be very competent and confident. He had a way with his students and well respected. Radhesh has learnt his basics fairly quickly. Enjoy the beat.
Saturday, August 9, 2008
Kaalai Kadir
Our Flute Hero Sivaji
Mr Sivaji teaches Radhesh to play the Indian flute. He also runs an orchestra called Hero orchestra playing mainly bollywood music and without a doubt he is the Hero.
Radhesh and Mr Sivaji get along very well and they learn from each each other. Radhesh tantalises him with his mobile phone operating skills.
Mr Sivaji is a very good player on the flute. He learnt to play the flute on his as his father was also a flute palyer. We like his music. For us he is the hero and here is a short clip from his music.
Friday, August 8, 2008
Coconut oil
The best part of the extraction process is that it is free but we had to leave to coconut cake after the oil extraction which is used as feed for the cattle.
Thursday, August 7, 2008
Vimala's kolam!
Vimala produced this beautiful kolam. A kolam is a beautuful decoration made in front of the house mainly in the state of Tamil Nadu. This decoration is produced daily and made of either rice flour or quartz powder. However, on this occasion she did this for a function at her office.
Monday, August 4, 2008
sivan malai 2
I wrote about howling winds in my previous blog. We took some videos on Radhesh's phone. I researched a bit around the internet to convert MP4 to a format that can be reasonably published. The quality isn't great, but you will get the idea about the wind. I will try and get better with my research on codecs and players.